Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Miscellany Monday (everyone else is doing it) ☺

Well it's been quite sometime since I have posted on my personal blog. I have seen a few of my friends post the miscellany monday posts and I have decided I will join in on the fun.

So here we go....

#1) I'm tired. I don't know why I have always been such a turd when it comes to going to bed early. If I am tired at 8 or 9 or even 11.. I fight it until at least midnight. I have been that way since a teen. I think it is all catching up too me though. (I'm looking older and crankier) My goal starting tomorrow is bed by 11. Then the day after that bed by 10. I need to do some sleep training on myself. I see the same patterns with D too. He is a night owl like me and hates mornings. He's been fighting his bedtimes a lot lately and not going to sleep until after 9:30. Wish us luck.

#2) We get to go on our first camping trip of the year this weekend. I am BEYOND excited! I am so ready to be away from technology, away from town, staring at the stars, roasting marshmellows, going on bikerides, watching Dillon play in the dirt with his cousins, play cards, laugh, eat yummy camp food, read a book, breathe in fresh mountain air..... I am ready!

#3) Friends come and go. Sad but true. Do you ever get the feeling that you're not "wanted" anymore. I wish I could explain my life and thoughts a bit better to some friends so they could possibly understand more what I am dealing with....  oh well.

#4) Speaking of friends... I haven't ever been keen on the idea of calling a friend my best friend. Usually because like I said above friends come and go, I've been hurt so many times by "friends" that I have just built this little wall and I don't let people get inside my little wall. (Yes I hear violins playing☺) When I care about someone or consider someone a friend I try and go above and beyond making that person happy. I usually stretch myself and sometimes my bank account too thin. The past few months I have been trying not to be so crazy with this. Except for last week. (and the couple weeks before) You see, I have a friend... and I am going to call her my best friend. She is someone I have been friends with since we were kids. Her name is Maria. We may not always see eye to eye, and we may have had our moments of bickering (locking me out of the dorms at cheer camp), but in my heart I know that we will be friends FOREVER. We are so comfortable with each other, she's there when i need her, she offers good advice, she's just awesome. Her bridal shower was this last weekend and I wanted to make it a special day for her. With the help of some mutual good friends (Lacey and Dana) we were able to make that happen. It blessed my heart to see her enjoy such a nice afternoon. I will forever stretch myself thin to make her have a happy day, Every ounce of my energy these past few weeks was worth it for her. She's my BFF.  (That was such a long and sappy post)

#5) I don't know how many of these I should do. But I'm going to keep on going because it's only 11:55pm and I can't go to bed for another 5 minutes. haha!!

#6) I think it's sad how many people are laughing about the rapture not happening on Saturday. Though I agree that it's quite stupid for someone to make such an assumption. The bible says we will not know the day nor the hour. So many people on television and the computer were making horrible comments about Jesus and him coming back. I found it sad.

#7) Photography- I'm feeling frustrated with my brain and my camera lately. I have these beautiful visions in my head and then when it's game time, I blank. I have some ideas on how I can fix this so I am hoping to teach myself some new techniques in the next couple weeks. I need to up my game a bit. That's the thing that sucks about this industry. You can't take a breather because there is always some newbie chomping at your heels....

#8) I want someone to take me on a shopping spree. My wardrobe needs it. Pinterest isn't helping my want list either.

#9) Birthday's were so much more fun when I was a kid. I would have started months ago some type of countdown along with my birthday wishlist, I would have had many family members asking what I wanted and getting excited that my birthday party is coming up..... My birthday is next week and nobody has asked what I want, I am entering my last year in my 20's, I think I have discovered some new wrinkles around my eyes, my boobs dropped another inch, and when I pinch the extra skin on the top of my hand it doesn't drop as fast as it used to.  boohooo (yes I hear violins playing again ☺)

#10) Dillon is such an amazing little man. (Warning: I'm going to continue with one of those mom moments that usually other people roll their eyes at) He is so smart. I can't believe some of the stuff this kid says. He knows if I am sad and he will walk up to me and say "you okay mommy, you need hug? I love you more mommy" he knows how to keep my smiling by his goofy faces, singing Jesus Loves me, or dancing to his Crazy for Dinosaur song in the car. He loves driving his Gator around the property and I am completely convinced we will have him driving a car by the end of the summer. haha!!! He is a huge helper around the house and a huge disaster around the house. :) He loves feeding our 13 chickens and he likes to tell me about them. My most favorite thing he does now and has been doing for the past few weeks is... he plays with my hair. :) If you know me I love having my hair played with. Anytime the nieces come over I practically beg for them to play hair styles with my hair. Well Dillon can not fall asleep without me laying next to him so he can run his fingers through my hair. If I pick him up he instantly sticks his hand in my hair. If my hair is up, he asks me to take it down. I find it so adorable and I love it.

Oh shoot. It's 12:09. I need to get to sleep. Sorry if my Miscellany Monday post was too long. :) Hope you enjoyed some of it.


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