Sunday, July 1, 2012

Late night, can't sleep, name game, dilema.

Naming your child is hard. Especially when everyone you know has kids.... and has chosen many of the names you wanted for your children. Not their fault at all.

When I was pregnant with Dillon and before I knew what sex he was I had one girl name chosen and not too many people that I knew had used that name. We hadn't really discussed names so it wasn't until we knew he was a boy that we put the girl name to the side and focused on boy names. I love the thought of carrying on names in the family but also wanted something original for ourselves and "our" little family. I know I wanted to use my dad's name, Michael, as my son's middle name. After all since I took Ron's last name and it will be carried on my father's name should be carried on too. We went through a dozen names before we finally decided and agreed upon, in the hospital after he was born, on Dillon Michael Lacy. I love it. His name means faithful one. It fits him, It rolls off my tongue and I love writing it.

Now here we are with baby #2 on the way. We don't know if it's a boy or girl and we won't know until she/he is here in December. (I don't want to hear the complaints ☺) The girl name I love is pulled back to the front burner.... but now a handful of people I know have daughters named this name too. I'm starting to feel like it's a "John" name. (The name John was the 1st most popular name for like 15 years on the SSA website.) ha! But I love the name. It's my mother in law's middle name and then I will use my mother's middle name for the baby's middle name. (this is if it's a girl, fingers crossed) I love that I love the names, and I love that they are family names. It's cute for a little girl and beautiful and sophisticated for a woman. I am 90% sure I will love this name forever... but 10% of me hates that it's so popular. ugh. My second and third place names for a little lady are also becoming more popular and I have 2 friends with daughters the same names.

Am I the only one who gets a little wierd-ed out about naming your kid the same as your friends kid? I always think... will they think I'm trying to copy them? Will they be offended if I used that name... even if it's been on my name list since Ron and I were married? Will my kid hate me for naming them such a popular name? Ask my sister... I am wierd when it comes to naming my kid. She hates helping me. Example: She will mention a name.... I will remember a kid from my elementary school that was rude to girls and I will be completely against the name. Example: She will mention a name... I will remember a girl with that name that picked her nose and ate her boogers and I will be completely against the name. Basically if there is one gross, bad, annoying moment, movie with a bad guy named "that"... I am against the name. This makes it difficult.

Tonight I decided to get online and start making a list of names I like. I started making my girl list. The list I am so in love with right now and really hope I get to choose from in December. So far I have 10 names and I'm still adding. Then I think... well what if it's a boy.... Here's where the major dilema starts for me.... (sorry if I offend any family members. Write your congressman if you are. ha!)

Boy names.... on Ron's side of the family..... are outdated and to me.... not cool. Boy names on my side of the family.... I already used my dad. Every other guy on his side of the family is kind of a DB or I don't like the name. My grandpa, my mom's dad, has a cool middle name but it's also my brothers middle name and since I used my dad's name I don't want to take my grandpa's middle name in case my brother and his wife decide to have kids and want to use it. (did that make any sense) As of 1:24AM I am thinking (besides the thought that I should be in bed asleep) that I will use Ron's middle name. 

Examples of Ron's family being: Ralph, Larry, Captolia, Harry, Ira...... do you see my point.  These names all fit the personalities of the men who carried them... but they don't fit well with me and the names I am choosing for boys. Examples of my side of the family being: Fred, Samuel (I love that name, but it's my brother's name too and he may want to use it on his kids so I'm leaving that one untouched)......

So here I sit. Wondering why I'm even fretting about this, I am only 17 weeks and have several months to figure it out. But still freaking out that I only have one boy name written down and I really don't even like it.

ALSO I want to add that when your last name is the same as your first name (my name is Lacie Lacy) it makes naming your kid harder because even though I have lived with the name for 7 years now... it still is silly. 


  1. Lace you are cracking me up. Names are a big deal since they are pretty much permanent. I have the same issues with people I know naming theyre kids the names that I've always liked. Your not weird nor should you feel bad about friends getting upset that you used the name. It's killing me that I dont know the name your thinking of!

  2. I knew Sophia's name before I knew she was a girl. And we loved it, it was perfect for our little girl. It sounded elegant and beautiful and cute for a baby at the same time. Then we found out how popular it was! I felt a bit bummed...but not enough to give up the perfect name that came to us. And she is such a Sophie. I say go with your gut. You are carrying that baby, and YOU know what name is perfect for her. Popular names are popular for a reason - because they are beautiful names! But if you name your baby Nevaeh...I'll point and laugh at you. (You, not the baby.)

  3. And oh my goodness, I just called your baby a her. You are having a girl! (-: (I was right with Haylee!)
