Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Truth Filled Tuesday

Shall we tell some truths..... :)

1) I tried to be the Krazy Coupon lady today and said a few bad words while shopping. Bad choice of days. Reason #1) I took my son (2 years old and during nap time, I'm stupid) Reason #2) All the other Crackhead Crazy Coupon moms did their shopping on Monday's and Tuesday's so everything was sold out Reason #3) I got the moron of a cashier.

2) I have ate Taco Bell many times in the past week. My waistline is slowly resembling the effects.

3) I swept some of the kitchen dirt into the vent the other day because I couldn't find the dustpan and I was too lazy to go look for it. Heck it took a lot of energy to get off my rear and sweep. :)

4) I used to cheat on Literature tests in High School by writing notes on my birkenstalks and then slipping my foot out, reading, and answering the question.

5) I had fake birkenstalks.

6) I am watching Oprah's farewell show and balling my eyes out.

7) I played Barbies until almost 7th grade. Loved them!!

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