Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Foolishness........Thanks Krystle ;).....

Krystle did this and it was fun to read. I'm at work and bored and procrastinating. So I figured I would do it too!

Fill in the blanks....

If I were to get pregnant again...I wouldn't do anything. I would keep it a secret for a long time.
If I could have any job in the world...I would be a saty at home mom and photographer. NO OTHER JOB.
If I had a day to myself... As of right now, I would organize and clean my house and then enjy it staying clean longer than 5 minutes. I wold take a bubble bath, read, and nap.
If I could get married all over again..... I would do things differently, but still marry Ron.
If I could live anywhere in the US...I love Oregon. I don't want to live anywhere else.

If my boy would have been girl they would have been named..  Lillian Jean Lacy

If I could have any talent in the world... Sing. And I would sound like Wynonna Judd. Love Love Love her voice.
If you met me in real life...
If I could go back to school and get a different degree... I don't have a degree, but if i could go back to school I would love to go to the photography college I was accepted to. And be a high fashion photographer and hopefully would have had my images in  magazines!
If money was no object...We'd build a house, a BIG one and since money was no object I would hire a housecleaner to come once a week. And a personal chef. :) One that cooks all the the healthy food. I would still cook but it would be all my delicious fatty meals. And I would pay off all our debt.
If I could meet one celebrity, it would be.... I'm not too big on meeting celebrities. So I have no clue. It would be fun to cook with Rhee Drummond- Pioneer Lady. Or maybe second shoot a wedding with Jasmine Star.
If I could shop at only one store the rest of my life... (and in this pretend life the clothes look great on me right?) I would shop at I love their stuff.
If we were to get another pet it would be...a dog and a horse.
If I could go on a trip right now...Italy.
If I had to choose between a house cleaner and a personal chef...Personal chef.
If I had the option of plastic surgery... Breast Reduction!!!!!! and tummy tuck. :) (Cut out all the stretch marks)

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